d5to0ora - جميع رسائل المستخدم
2/4/2009 8:54:56 PM
Am I an en.... or an an..... does anybody know at the end engineers better than doctors ele ma3endohom wagt 7atta 4 them selves :S
2/11/2009 8:17:32 PM
ضــع هــنـــا - الســيــرة الـذاتـيــــة Umm. dont know what to say. I guess you'll have to ask me what you want to know. I believe describing yourself is not as easy as it sounds. Might come off as conceited !!As far as I can say, I strive to be a better Muslim everyday and take interest in issues that concern Muslims worldwide. I believe a man is an integral part of society and therefore, would like to choose my other half carefully. I am 23 yrs old last yr in HSC in ku funny n lovely openminded but with limits crazy and stupid and always smiling The rest is for you to find out.
I wanna my partner to be Practising Muslimah. His ethnic background or color is irrelevant as a person is measured by his / her deeds and not by the color of their skin. Gotta be fun loving, humorous and preferably speak English. If you're still in your career, started first year of college or believe in UFOs, keep walking. Serious brothers only please. We both aint getting any younger.
2/11/2009 8:18:12 PM
ضــع هــنـــا - الســيــرة الـذاتـيــــة Umm. dont know what to say. I guess you'll have to ask me what you want to know. I believe describing yourself is not as easy as it sounds. Might come off as conceited !!As far as I can say, I strive to be a better Muslim everyday and take interest in issues that concern Muslims worldwide. I believe a man is an integral part of society and therefore, would like to choose my other half carefully. I am 23 yrs old last yr in HSC in ku funny n lovely openminded but with limits crazy and stupid and always smiling The rest is for you to find out.
I wanna my partner to be Practising Muslimah. His ethnic background or color is irrelevant as a person is measured by his / her deeds and not by the color of their skin. Gotta be fun loving, humorous and preferably speak English. If you're still in your career, started first year of college or believe in UFOs, keep walking. Serious brothers only please. We both aint getting any younger.
1/9/2010 6:13:43 PM
سويت/سويتي تحليل فيتامين د؟؟ فيتامين د يساعد من قدره الامعاء على امتصاص المواد الغذائيه والتمثيل الغذائي للكالسيوم والفسفور له خاصية منع أو شفاء مرض الكساح و لين العظام و نقصه عند الأطفال إلى الإصابة بمرض الكساح وتسوس الأسنان ونقصه عند الكبار يؤدي الى مرض الاستوماليشيا عند الكبار اي نقص الكالسيوم
وافضل مصادر هذا الفيتامين هو ضوء الشمس ومح البيض ومنتجات الألبان وزيت كبد السمك
واللي ياخذ فيتامين د بجرعات كبيرة ولمدة طويلة يؤدي إلى الاضطرابات المعدية المعوية كفقد الشهية والغثيان والقيء والإسهال والتعرق الزائد والعطش الشديد والصداع والدوار وزوال الكلس والفسفور من العظام الذي يفضي إلى الكسور المتعددة عند اقل رضه وترسب الكلس في الشرايين مما قد يؤدي إلى ارتفاع ضغط الدم والقصور الكلوي
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