الصفحة الرئيسية » إقتراحات لموقع خطبة » is this an option or a techincal problem ???
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10/8/2008 1:37:14 AM
Posts 21
I noticed that users who have nicknames longer than 10 character are profile_protected.
In other words you can not view their profile

I am asking is this an option they choosed or this is a techinical problems

if any one knows what i am talking about and have an answer to that question please help me
how can i view this Protected_profile if it was not an option

on the other side if it was an option - i do not think so - please learn me how to use it

this question is mainly passed to our great admins but any one is welcome to participate

thank you for your time

quick pass by
10/11/2008 2:35:56 AM
Posts 7
i don't know what you are talking about honestly.. maybe it's a serious problems.. well .. to the admins
11/10/2008 11:43:47 PM
Posts 16
ابصراحه ابدعتوا وانا اايد الفكره ومعاكم قلبا وغالبا بس مو فاهم شي لووووووووووووووووووووووول دلول ممكن تترجميلي
4/25/2009 11:51:30 PM
Posts 134
ذبحت دلول اترجم حق منو ولامنو مسكينة موفاهم موضوع لاتناقش فية
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